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• Grants & Awards (Coming Soon)


About the Organization

Institute of Landscape, Ecology and Ekistics (ILEE) is a society to promote interdisciplinary research and publications in the fields of geographical, environmental and ecological sciences. The Institute is registered (vide no. S/43732 of 1983-84) under the West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961 and the subsequent rules pertaining to it.

Focus of the Institute

Landscape: An area on the earth’s surface having its distinct characteristic features that appears to form an image to the society. Depending on the perspective it can be both physical landscape and cultural landscape. In the digital era the connotation can be widened to virtual landscape. The essential components of landscape include different aspects of man and environment.

Ecology: A specialised scientific discourse in which various types of interactions among the organisms and their environmental components is termed as ecology. Man is the most significant constituent in the landscapes to intervene the concerned ecological functions.

Ekistics: All living beings in the earth are designed to have their niche and build comfortable home to have the safest possible place for their own and progeny. Ekistics concerns all kinds of human settlements in relation to their spatial environment and ecology, and manifestations of the associated social attributes.

History and Evolution

Genesis of this Institute dates back to the year 1978 when an eminent scholar of geography Dr. S. C. Mukhopadhyay along with his few learned associates started an interdisciplinary journal entitled ‘Indian Journal of Landscape Systems’. On April 02, 1983 a society was formed in the name and official seal of Institute of Landscape, Ecology and Ekistics (ILEE) with the renowned geographer Prof. S. P. Chatterjee as its president. The journal was renamed as Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and Ecological Studies, and Prof. Mukhopadhyay remained its founder editor until he left for the heavenly abode.

The Foundation Council comprised of: President- Prof. S. P. Chatterjee, Vice Presidents: Prof. A. K. Saha, Prof. R. K. Vaidyanadhan, Sri G. K. Dutta; and Honorary Secretary- Prof. K. N. Mukherjee. The office of ILEE was originally located at C-1 Vidyasagar Niketan, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata - 700064. The Council set the objectives of the Institute to develop it as an interdisciplinary platform for the academicians and scientists.


The objectives for which the society was established are:

  1. To propagate knowledge on Landscape Systems, Ecology and Ekistics.
  2. To arrange and organise lectures, discussion, seminars, excursions, etc. for the diffusion of knowledge.
  3. To publish or cause to be published useful literatures, papers, journals and books, etc.
  4. To promote and encourage advancement of literary, cultural, scientific and technical research, and education.
  5. To collect and preserve in a library or otherwise manuscript, works of arts, antiquities, natural history specimens, mechanical and scientific instruments and designs.
  6. To collect donation and subscription for the purpose of the society.
  7. To construct, maintain, improve, develop and alter any buildings, houses or other works necessary or convenient for the purpose of the society.
  8. To do all such things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of the foregoing objects.

The Institute aspires to participate in the contemporary exercises for transformation of India, a country of unity in diversity. The management of the Institute concertedly works towards fulfillment of the set objectives of it and desires to see the Institute achieving the visions by the year 2030. Achievable targets have been defined along with the guiding road maps under the leadership of the current Governing Council.


The Institute has been continuously bringing out its biannual periodical, Indian Journal of Landscape Systems and Ecological Studies, in which both budding as well as veteran scholars are contributing in the form of research papers. Moreover, it has been organising many national and international seminars, conferences, workshops and collaborative training programmes on interdisciplinary themes for the academicans and scientists. The Institute now envisions strengthening its already established reputation to become visible internationally with diverging outcome based activities including promotion of high quality research, publication and community outreach for capacity building, within the purview of set objectives of its foundation.